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Are you doing the best job possible for the
people you serve? Are you getting the most out of the little money
you have?
For most people in churches, the answers to these
questions are little more than guesses and assumptions.
Of course, a lot of the time those
guesses are right and the assumptions are obvious.
But not always.
Once we serve a family in any service or outreach
program, we often never see them again. We don’t know if our efforts
helped or not.
At Community Solutions Research we help you
follow up with members, attenders, and neighbors and see how well you helped. These surveys or
interviews help us to work with you to set new goals, improve your
services, or streamline the way you work.
Are you meeting the deepest and greatest
needs of the people you reach out to?
When hungry people are fed, it’s pretty clear their
need for food has been met. But is food their biggest need?
These days with rent of $600 or more for one-room low-income apartments and
high medical costs, food may be the least of your clients’ concerns.
Are there other services you can provide
that have a bigger impact on their lives?
Clients will come to a food pantry and ask for food
because they know you can give it. They may not ask for help
writing a resume or finding a dentist because they know you don’t give that
help. Are there services they need that you can give, but haven’t
thought about?
We help you find out what people need.
We help you “think outside the box” and find
new solutions to today’s new problems—and even the same old ones!
What impact are you having on others in
your community?
People who don’t go to church only know about God
through what they see God’s people doing. Your actions tell your
neighbors about you and your relationship to God? Is their curiosity
raised? Do they want to know more? Do they want to help?
We help you get to know what others think and
can help point out ways to help them get involved.